Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Barack Obama N.L.P Script (Part 3)

I felt it would be important to gather together the "future" Obama speeches that are in store for the world. To some extent it will counteract their rituals. On top of that we have the encoded rituals in place before they will happen. My aim is to counter their "spell" and hypnotic linguistic memes with the truth in all its multidimensional glory.

The speeches linguistics and events that transpire in the movie are predetermined and then manifested into reality. Of course these events aren't actually transpiring, but on another level they are to an extent. The events cover the fact that something indeed is happening but the truth is blurred by the television "story".

E = MC Squared.

It comes down to the movement of energy. Just follow the movement.
What I refer to as "Time Markers" are placed in movies ritualistically
and to serve as a marker for the planned rituals date.

The films Deep Impact and White House Down both encode a future troop withdrawal. The fact that this is happening because of the comet is very syncronistic to what is transpiring with Comet ISON at this time. Prior to ISON we had Sandy Hook in 2012. This also was preplanned decades in advance; the hourglass sand timer on the desk is a time marker.
Now Morgan Freeman plays President Tom Beck in Deep Impact and Jamie Foxx plays President James W Sawyer in White House Down. Doing simple gematria to establish who they are role playing (A=1, B=2, Z=26) The Aleph (A) is utilized in ciphers and encodings. Add (A=1)



This screen here is so key, just like Batman Dark Knight Rises this film too
encodes future events in a sneaky hidden way. Besides showing you the price
of gold and silver we have in the news line below stating a knife attack during the
changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Something to watch out for.

See, it wouldn't necessarily be so bad if this was just one movie, but when you have a total twin fractal it gets utterly ridiculous and fake and represents something that is by all means sinister to the core (no pun intended). You are watching a planetary snuff film in slow motion and seeing it materialize around you in real life. If that is not evil I do not know what is. Never saw a film where the earth turns lush green and everyone lives happily ever after.

Again we have a worldwide American troop recall by our black president "Obama". Now why would the military be recalled? Understanding the software and numerology to an extent we can determine a date when these events and non events will transpire. A time frame is presented in a symbolic linguistic way. But on top of the fake events we have real events on the ground .... which no one wants you to even fathom their existence ... for it is more twisted than what is "reported".

 So one must ask what is really going on here. We have the fake tv broadcasts masking the reality of the situation. You start to see the films are interlocking puzzle pieces encoding information for the future. Of course it is a future that is not necessarily transpiring the way people perceive it.

One of the terrorists from White House Down. This number encodes
November 6, 2013. 15 is another name of Saturn.

Now 11/6 was November 6 2013, This was the Detroit Shooting. The AR-15 as decoded by Ocs101 is another name for Saturn. 15 is 69. My understanding of it is not nearly as well thought out as Ocs101 but I provide the proof in film concerning this rituals. This same thing was demonstrated in Batman Dark Knight Rises (2012). With the code in Batman it dealt with the Superbowl Blackout. Batman also had the Sandy Hook shooting reference which many are aware of, but many are not aware of the same Sandy Hook shooting reference in Pontypool (2008)

This picture is a ritualistic one. 9/11. 1 33 0 6 0.
Of all numbers it is the ones associated with a fake NON event.
But something did cause those noises which "sounded" like gun shots.
A witness in a pickup truck pulled up to the back of the barber shop and was fired upon by a gunman in another vehicle. When the truck fled, the gunman got out of the vehicle and used a high-powered rifle to shoot through an open door to a small room in the back of the barber shop, Craig said.
There were between 20 and 30 people in the room, he said.

"There was an attempted mass exodus of people from the room," he said.
The door from the back room to the front of the barber shop opened inward, making it difficult to open as people pressed against it in an effort to get out. The victims were shot in the back room as they struggled to escape, Craig said.
Understanding that this ENTIRE story is fake is one thing you need to do. But it is coding a story of what actually happened. From reading this one gets the impression entities were trying to got through a doorway that opens INWARD.... if the door opens INWARD they would be INSIDE a CUBE.
From Batman The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Few months later we have Beyonce's Black Janus Superbowl ritual and the
subsequent Blackout. Ritualized to the hilt.
The Superbowl took place February 3, 2013 (2/3/2013)
13:22 is a mirror of 22:13 (Nov 22, 2013)


Ocs101 states that these are the dimensions slamming into one another. The ones controlling the media transmissions know exactly what it happening but need a cover story so the sheeple and slaves don't panic and go crazy. So then it must be understood that these troop withdrawls are dealing with something entirely different and even more sinister than what many current believe.

So we understood from Deep Impact that the Comet, ELENIN was the reason the military was called back to the USA. Figuring out the true reality from the false one is confusing, seeing as it might be happening somewhere else, so in one aspect it is happening just not in this realm. Whatever is causing the destruction here is not what the media says it is. We have proven time and time again the actors are role playing in rituals, but masking the truth behind it all. The syncronicities pile up fast.
 What we have here is a perfect triangle formed between Earth Ison and Venus.
This explains the Mercedes Benz symbol being utilized in this ritual.




On top of encoding the same software; COmet ~ sysCO
We even have the same "Nero's Cross" Crow's foot runic symbol
which is the Mercedes Benz logo. Even the sigil CO is representative
of the visual.

So this is where the symbolic synchronicity takes effect, The Vatican and the US Captiol are fractal buildings. The scene above with the comet is from End of Days (1999) and besides having the white house destroyed in White House Down, in Deep Impact we have it being rebuilt. These are encoded scenes foreshadowing the 2nd American Civil War that will be fought.
Amazing synchronicity wouldn't you say. This was the final scene of Deep Impact.
Countdown to Touchdown watching White House Down
DOWN = MOND (Moon)

This is a 9/11 working. It is continuing from the other rituals. They are all interconnected symbolically and linguistically. In the film The Manchurian Candidate we have the same troop movements along with the assassination of a Louisiana Senator. The symbols and linguistic software are what pinpoint this year 2013 as well as 2014 for their possible rituals to take place. It's not a question of if they will, but when they will. November 22, 2013 has been a day I have kept my eye on for months now, and after the incident at LAX on November 1, 2013 I am keenly aware of what the next step in this ritual will be.

Using jewish gematia this time

The Manchurian Candidates encodes so many themes and future events an article alone would be needed to break it all down. For now I am focusing on an upcoming event dealing with the FAKE assassination of a Louisiana Senator. We understand at this time the ones in power are actors using staged events for multiple purposes, some are known and other unknown.

This mural is in the Red Hot Chili Peppers music video Fight Like A Brave directed by Dick Rude back in 1987. But wait, the synchronicity just takes on a life of its own and becomes obvious that one is on the right track .

Jimi Hendrix B side is FIRE ...

This FIRE linguistic is very key, because the day after the Detroit shooting Marshall Mathers house burned down. Of course this in entirely ritualized and hiding the truth nature of the event.
Now DICK Rude was directing. If one remembers correctly these sodomites always put gay sex jokes into their crimes and rituals. Adam Lanza = Mad Anal. Dick Cheney, George Bush, Colon Powell. The next one was Nick Pugh (Poo) at LAX on 11/1/13.

Everything points to November and December as key months. But then again, the whole 2013-2020 time frame is pivotal for the demiurgic takeover.
Now the senator of Louisiana currenty is David Vitter. David Vitter has already been exposed as an actor who also plays the character Rick Santorum. He is really Neil Bush. The whole connection to Hoover Dam would be the DC Madam who has it written all over her fake character name.

It just goes to show just like the fake Dc Madam murder, expect to see David Vitter assassinated as is shown in The Manchurian Candidate. Or hey, since this has been exposed here this may be used in a later date closer to the 2015 timemark. All in all, I will be commenting more and gathering more puzzle pieces concerning this planned event.



What we have here is a clear reference to an upcoming senator shooting which is just like Gabby Gifford's, we know Gabby Gifford's was played by Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey. Breaking down the scenes further in the film we find it loaded to the hilt with encodings. This is a pre planned event and by showing you this I am possibly averting their plans.

Denzel Washington about to assassinate the Louisiana Senator.

Mount Rushmore is also shown directly after the senator assassination. Your consent to these rituals and your psionic energy manifest this into reality, so please STOP DOING IT!!! Out these actors, out the linguistics and decode the symbols. Break the spell. Ultimately behind these actor slaves are the real dangerous movers and shakers of this world.
Shouldn't even need to say it. The Artemis theme is consistent.
The neuro linguistic script dealing with the future Atlanta blackout is already in play, the ritual has begun and I step in to do what I can to make those who care or are aware to do something. At the end of the day what is being blacked out?

This blackout ritual is not as "new" as one may think. I cannot give dates but I can assure you this is planned and will go down if not stopped or opposed. The amount of linguistic software pinpointing to all this cannot be denied.

The Net refers to the Atlanta Blackout, an event that has not transpired yet. The LAX Airport shooting on November 1, 2013 has occurred and it was ritualistic in every way. It is all interconnected with events that have not yet manifested but the necessary software is in existence to do it.

As you can see this "Blackout" code is huge and in your face. For now I will leave it at this seeing as this is a complex subject and I'm still piecing together the "future". Our enemies used a great slogan in The Manchurian Candidate simply because that is EXACTLY what they do. Not only this but the subtle "purple" gives away another Hoover Dam clue concerning the 50$ bill and the purple sky that is seen after its destruction. More stuff to ponder in lunar land.

Secure Tommorow.
That is indeed what they do isn't it.

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