This is sort of a half complete article but I will post what I have written so far.
There is a quote I often repeat to myself knowing I am involved with uncovering madness, my own included.
"Never Forget What These People Are Capable Of"
"Know Your Enemy" (Even if it is Yourself)
There is a quote I often repeat to myself knowing I am involved with uncovering madness, my own included.
"Never Forget What These People Are Capable Of"
"Know Your Enemy" (Even if it is Yourself)
Emily Blunt of course starring in Looper, also is in The Adjustment Bureau, and this is precisely how it works. Quantum Physics Manipulation. The QPM's. Layers upon layers.
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Emily Blunt being a clear twin fractal of Madeleline Stowe. |
Of course my friend Jesse educated me on the subject and surpruise surprise we find him in the film Looper itself. Or rather a doppleganger of him.
All these films encode so much regarding my life and the people I know. I'm not sure if it is wise to disclose it all and show the connections, but do I honestly have a choice? If this is all pre-planned I want to make it not so.
I feel this is one big set-up and I must get the information together so myself and others can pericvee the correlations between the film and reality that it mimics and imitates.
James Woods, if it is his real name has the same name as myself. Bruce Willis's character from Twelve Monkey's is also James. I have no doubt's whatsoever that it is referring to me and "Emily", a girl I actually know and I fear will be targeted to silence me and incriminate me in a crime that was not of my doing.
Twelve Monkey's even relates this as a theme.
And of course the new film for 2014 titled Jamesy Boy.... wonder who it could be about ....
Most have seen the Oraborus, but most do not understand it refers to a time loop.
ReversE TimE LooP = R.E.P.T.L.E
The reason you don't understand the films is because it is MY life.
They got MY life "videodromed".
The Saturn-Iapetus-Luna Projected Matrix recycles the stories over and over but the theme is always the same.
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A newspaper from Twelve Monkeys. The date is a Friday December 13th. There are only 3 days like that, Dec 13, 1996, Dec 13, 2002 and Dec 13, 2013 So this year it is going down. |
It is quite apparent in Terra Nova that the beginning and end shot of the pilot episode "Genesis"
distinctly shows us the Moon and what it represents, a 5 senses based reality under Lunar Drones.
This may explain the significance of calling the enemies "Sixers (6)" when in fact I am a Nine according to the film The Nines.
These films are dangerous in the regards that the truth is distorted and the projection leaves out key information always that is needed for your SOUL SURVIVAL, seeing as the Cave of Brahma aka Cave of Plato is the Skull. Going to School-Skull to fill your head with Intellect from Lucifer, the light, but a false reflected Light from 1)The Moon (WHICH ITSELF COULD BE A PROJECTION AND MOST CERTAINLY IS CONSIDERING THE SCENE FROM TERRA NOVA I'M ABOUT TO SHOW OR 2) Iapetus, the moon of Saturn which was Originally the location of the Monolith in Arthur C Clarke's 2001 A Space Odyssey.
In Terra Nova they show you at the end the moon is a lot bigger , and gives a great explanation why. Of course it is false to an extent, but whatever moon originally existed, was most likely destroyed to prevent misuse of the "Blutz Waves", an energy source created from reflected photons.
So then why the moon matrix projection to deceive? Why the altering of time and space?
Spielberg knows why. He knows alot or has been shown alot by his "handlers".
There are eneties that have been trapped here for a very long time, and this is why in Terra Nova "Hope Plaza" , which I know is code for the moon is destroyed by "myself" and thereby traps everyone in the past with no connection to different timezones.
The machine is broken.
These entities were created in the future.
This is why the Revelations leads back into Genesis.
(or I am wrong ...?)
Spielberg also produced Falling Skies which details this insectoid race which harvest energy
12 monkeys lets us know that behind the scenes this is truly what is happening.
This is why Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is being released in 2014. The Golden Dawn of Saturn, was it a past age or a future age? That is the question.
The Hellfire Council understands Quantum Manipulation and utilize sexual energies, or rather misuse the energies to seek their own ends or their own escape. Them being the descendants of the creatures created in this time period. I have no way of knowing for sure except to keep digging and piecing together the mystery of inequity.
In 12 monkeys the doctor is a twin of Anthony Hopkins character in The Curse of King Tut's tomb, and he is not the only fractal. We have Jonathon from the Mummy as well as the curator who belongs to a group seeking to revive the undead and every other horrible thing on this Earth.
Of course the same glasses worn by the "Insectoids" from Twelve Monkeys.
What ties it all together so brilliantly is the fact you have "Da 13th Sun" encoded within Twelve Monkeys as well. It clearly indicates he is a prison guard in this fake realm. So indeed my video outing him as a lunar agent is totally correct.
Further significance and synchronicity is that Rick O'Connell as I have shown is based off myself again perhaps, and is twinned by Bruce Willis in 12 Monkeys. Of course the identity being altered does nothing for me because I see past the "false" appearances. You'll find these two characters together in multiple films, and if I can somehow be coherent enough I will demonstrate it in this article.
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Brendan Fraser in The Mummy (1998) |
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Bruce Willis Surrogates (2008) |
Now paying attention to the linguistic software, Emily Blunt; (who plays "Sarah" in Looper) blunt being the last name of singer James Blunt. He has a song called 1973.
Now Philip K Dick understood this tangent reality that was created. His stories have been made into all these films which I watch and see myself as the lead character alongside Medusa all the time.
The Japanese anime Stein's Gate deals directly with "SERN'S" time manipulation in 1973.
The whole Bin Laden script was exactly as OCS 101 described it. Seal Team 6 which is the Sixth Seal of Revelations. Twelve Monkey's deals with the Seventh Seal, and the Time Marker is Dec 13, 2013 to Dec 27, 2013.
Perhaps I can alter what is to come but there are no guarantees. Perhaps the future will see what I wrote here, perhaps it will all be forgotten.
Looper I feel deals with a past friendship I possibly had with Stefan Schoellmann, whatever the case the man clearly knows who I am, even though I do not know him. And I feel his hatred of me may be justified considering what I possibly did, but nevertheless, I'll show the details so I can understand better.
Schoellmann himself has to be a Looper, and he understands time travel and really could be just another victim of the higher ups. The story I heard about him having 9/11 victim's DNA on him disclosed the nature of the dimensional phenomena that transpired on September 11.
I find his character again in Total Recall
The whole significance is
ANTARCTICA ... new 12 monkeys tv series ....
SPEARHEADED ... which is LONGIGUS and SVALBARD and points to ANTARCTICA ...
Nazis at the center of the earth ... which has schoellmann and Me .... me getting my face cut off .... Lovely.
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Because it is all Lunar Projection. |
Now this whole "Army of the Twelve Monkeys" has some serious connections to Philadelphia and the Montauk Project, seeing as the "Chair" is shown in 12 monkeys and the "Eye" the witches use to communicate to "James" was already discussed by Chris Hohn when he decided to go into this medusa script. The technology of visual transmissions is what it is all about, manipulation of sight and vision.
Dec 27 was the date given for the infection to start spreading, during Christmas time and this is all collecting into something monstrous, like the Flesh.
Dec 13 was another date given, which was yesterday for me. This article is being written as of Dec 14, 2013. And it was completed by myself on April 23 2018. I know, how in the world right.
So if an infection is being spread, as well as comet Ison's mutatgenic light, there clearly is a campaign to engineer certain sub races of humanity and also of the animal kingdom.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is Nibiru, and Comet would be Ison.
This comet is somehow connected to the comet 65 millions years ago which on some level created a split. I do not understand at this time but I merely place the puzzle pieeces together.
The reason I bring it up is perhaps my son will understand this. But that perhaps is another Lunar Hypnotic suggestion. "Your Call"
I showed in another article (link) that the kid in this film is my son, and is shown again in the 2011 televsions show Terra Nova.
The problem I think is this is hypnotic suggestion so I will consent to it.
But if I'm wirting about it, clearly the trick isn't working.
Words from 5 years ago ring true seeing as Hugh Jackman stars in The Greatest Showman, a movie I watched last night as of April 23 2018.
And if I do have a time travelling son, well, I'm sorry son. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry I failed you. It's my fault. But you know that.
Real Steel had what I thought was a friend "toto" encoded in the film, and the significance is he is the guy chasing Matt Damon down in Adjustment Bureau alongside Emily Blunt again. So is Matt Damon role playing me?
Might be. Question is why do the serpent priesthoods need to go to such lengths to encode my lives into their Videodrome.
There was a girl who I was friends with a few years back, Skyedog (Karen) also known as Capricorn4455, who got coded into the show Stein's Gate as a CERN agwnt. She disspeared awhile back and I have not seen her since, but she spoke of how the movies are sources of energy harvesting and displacement.
The whole rectangular monolith was understood by Kubrick and this is why he chose the symbolism in his films Full metal Jacket and The Shining.
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The monolith observing |
The machine is broken.
Do you know what happened to Karen?