Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cyborgs: Code Name - Evangelion (Part 1)

 This article is by no means a easy feat. Expressing this coherently will be my greatest task to date. What needs to be understood right away is Deuterium's (D2O) main role in life itself. Undermining or not realising this means you fail right away. No comprehension comes without understanding the history behind Heavy Water, the extra Neutron and the stronger bonds created because of it.

Recently the comet 67p was landed on. The Rosetta Probe and Philae module were utilized in this mission. Right away, one must see the relation between the deuterium concentration on this comet compared with earth, as well as the colour compared to my pictures of Deuterium from early this year (May 2014)
Deuterium Oxide (Mag 40x (I think))
The grey colour is a connection.

Frozen Deuterium is what must be understood and how it differs from H2O.

D20 bonds are stronger than H20. You can literally see the brittleness to H20.
I suppose that is why the water filter is called "Brita".
One film which encodes this, and one that I have watched since I was a young child but only recently saw how it was deuterium related was The Mighty Ducks 2.

$20 to anyone who can tell me the
Trinidad Tobega-Deuterium connection. Legit.
What connects all this is going to be hard for you the reader to wrap your mind around unless you already have access to this knowledge. The coach in "D2" is Gordon Bombay. BOMBAY is a blood type which I will go into detail in a later article. For now I must piece this together as loosely as possible before getting specific.

This is not coincedence

Yogo is a frozen yogurt. This relates right back to deuterium , as well as enemas and Harvey Kelloggs and his wheat cereals. This is a divergent topic which T will not go into right now, but if you wish to read I will provide a link to a previous article.

Must I remind the ones who aren't computer literate,
a bit, and a byte. Get it,

The yogo sapphires mine in Montana is owned by the British Government, on US soil, and provided the cutting tools for their atlantean world wars; and still do to this day I presume.

What must be understood is the connection to YOGA, as well as YOGGER and Jogging suits. This is code for mecha; as well as human androids.

Yogger as in Jagermeifter the alcoholic drink. I provide a very appropriate picture. 

The frozen deuterium reference does not go
unoticed by me.

The green bottle itself relates back to the green colour of tritium which I will have to go into more detail in another article.

Pacific Rim (2013)
Jaeger mech suit
A jaegar is a mech suit, like they provide within the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I wonder who they could be referencing...

I have not seen the anime, but alone reading the wiki, it appears that alot of info is contained pretaining to souls being utilized by AI, but this is all divergent topics at this time. I only try to highlight what I can in a very brief way for you to understand.

The town wehre the Rosetta mission originated from is in Madrid Spain, a town called Villanueva.

Evangelion means Good News.


Two things to mention before going forward , Nu is a blue creature in the game Chrono Trigger, which; Belthasar implants his mind into the creature, and also from Captain Harlock where the Noo's are some evil body controller .... AI control?

This will be looked into more in a later article.
I have stated that I think the SUN is a Deuterium lamp. since it is stated deuterium is consumed by stars. But is it really what we think it is?  

One thing i must mention shortly, before eablorating in fuurte articles is EVANGLEINE LILLY.


She is now playing the role of Arwen in The Hobbit films; which was previously played by Liv Tyler. This is an important detail to note, as well as the linguisitc codes pretaining back to tritium and deuterium. Aside from this we must again reiterate the importantce of the film Armeggdeon with LIV Tyler.

The whole point of that film was going to the
comet to blow it up...but if it is deuterium...then why???

I mean Armageddon already had enough linguistic codes besides this whole
Deuterium sub plot in "plain sight" .... right ...
Let's also make the correlation between Liv Tyler and her father Steven Tyler.

Black Star (Sun) - Saturn

I take it this one is obvious, even to the androids.

This "agent smith" pictures ties right into the Mormon cyborg prism in the Grand Canyon, as well as other stuff we will be imparting in later articles. For now, observe the obvious.

If you don't see it. Well shit.
Thanks to Annie for the pictures and information.

Continuing on with the NLP breakdown.


See the symbolism yet?


Get it?
The Rosetta probe is clearly showcasing a domino, 6/12 pattern as well as D20 link in the name.


Another mission underway is the Dawn mission. Dawn is a AI program.

The green Tritium theme is now conscious to you.

What must be understood is the AI implantation of animals, and how this affected them. Evidence is in the linguistics, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the perfect "hidden in plain sight" example.

Broken Genetic theme. It is evident.
So yes. let us look at it more.

Before I end this article , I want to point out the EVA code was pointed out by Stanley Kubrick first in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and apparent from this;

...the CAVE is a COVEN, and part of their AI network.

Part 2 is on the way.