I really don't have any fancy introduction this time around. I can only keep connecting the puzzle pieces in ways others have not thought of yet or failed to comprehend as possible. I can only show you. The deeper one goes, the more difficult in becomes explaining the truth in a coherent manner. At least for me. But it won't stop me from trying.
In Parts 3 & 4 I discussed shortly the movie 21 Grams starring Sean Penn. While the software confirms the script so does the plot. The youtube clip below shows you the lunar philosophy concerning Jesus and certain quantum scenarios.
We discussed the lunar impact scenario that is being averted by MY faction, seeing as no one else opposes the plan. The cancer must be shot out of the sky, and not permitted to crash into the already sickened and diseased planetary cell. Of course many christians will not enjoy hearing that New Jerusalem will be blown to pieces in the sky, but at this point it is like Odysseus on his ship, we will tie up our fellow men to save them from themselves. (of course Odysseus is another name for Medusa)
MOON = 57 = SION
This micro-macro war is best understood as just that; as the so called ancients proclaimed "as above so below", when one is dealing with a frozen planetary cell one would think to look at cyroabalation. I extrapolate here, but I clearly see it for what it is. At one point during the lunar wars the planets axis was put on a tilt creating these seasons we experience now. This hasn't always been the case, and the current conditions or past conditions were used to create certain "organisms" unable to survive at natural frequencies. This is the black maker, monolith, mimicking dna (bio photons) and forcing it to vibrate at a lower level. This is what I am coming to understand at least. Energy harvesting is the name of the game. This is a very complex subject and I will do my best to make it as clear and concise as possible.
Basically the waters of our planet has been diseased with synthia. When the gulf oil spill occurred a chemical called Corexit was used. The name itself encodes a lunar escape from the solar system. This is new territory for me, so whatever discoveries are made are made this precise moment. The game Dead Space 3 concerns itself with this, and for now I will leave it at that. I will come back to this in later articles to elaborate more clearly on what is happening, and what must be done.
The planet was frozen in dead space 3, to contain the viral spread!!! But that itself is more lunar lies seeing as the virus IS the moon. There is even a hopi legend I think it was that told if anything from the moon came back to earth it would be the end of us all. It is a complex saga that i cannot go into fully here seeing as I am focusing more on the cyro aspect of freezing the planet cell, as well as being frozen inside our own bodies and heads. This is what I have come tou nderstand in the bigger picture. It is all advanced technology and devolved spirituality . The grey death in the game Deus Ex is also interconnected with this theme as well as the lunar AI system, code named HELIOS in this game. I will explain this further later on in the article and in the upcoming Part 6. At this point one must take notice of what is transpiring on the planet, what has transpired and the hidden obscured origins of which.
This movie introduces a multi layered theme which I have not explored here yet, but will do now, and that is weapons that are powered by souls. In Dragonball Z you have the dragonballs that grant wishes when the dragon is summoned. This is all lunar dream machine themes once again, because from my understanding the moon is utilized as a tool to manifest reality. The orbs on the right hand are the weapons from Jonah Hex.
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Battle for their FATE begins. Software is consistent. |
Souls are batteries to these entities. As shown in the matrix with the arachnids harvesting human batteries.... your soul is trapped inside your brain, and the leech powers their huge processors . The cyro chambers are symbolic of this truth, as well as the material prison we find ourselves in. Prisons within prisons so to speak. Now on top of all this (odd choice of words seeing as what I'm about to discuss) our soul (IMO) is capable of opening stargate portals etc. I mean it would appear obvious with the tesseract math and all. Our enemies use souls as a power source, for weapons, for anything they require.
Now as shown in Iron Man 3 of this year, the human body can be used as a BOMB. Hence why the torpedoes are powered by frozen SOULS!!! Read the higher script! Of course this exploding human body theme is also present in Dragonball Z as well. The body (upon being many things) is an atomic weapon, and the soul powers it. If I am wrong, show me how.
Now Khan is a nephilim clearly As the imagery shows.. I mean after all my decoding of the linguistic code CON it only makes sense he would be the main antagonist in Star Trek Into Darkness. In Darksiders II it is shown that Lilith created the Nephilim, so once again this is Lunar genetic engineering. How many times this has happened, I cannot know or say. But history repeats doesn't it in lunar land.
What the elites have been doing is using the nephelim brains to power their computers. But this goes 2 ways as this is exactly what transpirs with the moon and our brains. Think Morpheus and dreams. Of course this AI brain processor abuse has only one outcome, a failure of your system and memory. It isnt just these advanced entities brains they hook up to their own computer mainframes, but our brains that hook up daily to the lunar AI Hive Mind.
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Since now we know Emily is Medusa (Moon) and our brain leech hooks up to it at nighttime hence dreams (lunar hive mind) draining our soul. Erasing our memory in the process. |
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Kind of funny. How many times now have we seen our one eyed scarface buddy? |
Now we talked earlier concerning the daddy daughter medusa role playing involved in these scripts. Just to show you this is exactly confirming well everything . It's only proper to find her once again involved with cyrogenics. We'll come back to this later on in the article.
(roc code)
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Well she always does... |
With that software script there, we also have to take into account the cyro aspect in Lockout (since Carol is Emily etc) as well as in Star Trek Into Darkness, as well as finally explaining multiple scenes in Gi Joe Retaliation.
Pretty self explanatory I would think. In the tv show Dollhouse, this is confirmed, that our brains are more powerful than supercomputers, and they are used to power the lunar processors during our sleep cycle.
-Our brains, are being used as processors,
Human computers.
-How is that even possible?
-Well, it's more practical really.
The human brain is 20 times
More powerful than the most massive
Multiprocessing computer in the world.
Rossum has hundreds of them.
-Well, many attics,
all networked to a central hub.
Our brains continually soaked
With adrenaline from the fear,
running on maximum.
The processing power behind rossum.
-And you were killing people.
-I'm trying to put them out of their misery,
Freeing them from an eternal hell.
But mostly, I was trying to take
out rossum's number of cpus.
We remember Sarah from Law Abiding Citizen, seeing as all these scripts interlink in numerous ways. Keep in mind it is Sarah/Emily/Carol etc responsible for this cerebral abuse. All involved with cyro stasis and induced dream states.
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Law Abiding Citizen & Lockout contain the same intel. |
NOW WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN! Your asking ? All the same scripts CLEARLY!!!
Our body is the prison. Our head to be precise. But this is all obvious now. I mean you'd have to be retarded not to have figured that life here isn't the best it could be. But then again we have alot of vegetables walking around.
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A Head of Iceberg Lettuce. Cute. |
As well so clearly shown in 21 Grams and Gi Joe Retaliation, you are trapped in a coma state inside your own head and you don't even know it, WORSE YOU THINK YOU ARE YOUR HEAD! THE PRISONER THINKS HE IS THE PRISON!
Because of the AI moon abusing your brain while you sleep, using it like a processor, it makes you lose your memory, as well as paralysing you. What is odd that I picked up on is the subliminal references made; that a black man is shown and aggression is reference and the "white" man with dementia psychosis, seemingly what the races respectively deal with in a cerebral manner of speaking. Not to say all are like that, don't be stupid. The conclusion though is through lunar tampering we are effectively brain damaged. A vegetable so to speak as the linguistics have shown us.
You are being used to power false realities. Not just you, but all of us.
One layer of this cake deals with the nephilim brains used as processors to build these weapons needed to break into the higher dimensions, but not just that, but to fight the allies we have that are here to stop these creatures from achieving their goals. Now it has been told the galactic federation is the one to save the day, but it will soon be revealed how mistaken they all are. We got set up from the start and it is a little more complex than most would understand it to be.
Hidden details reveal the puzzle. Remembering them is what makes the difference.
People are always telling you to be happy and forget ... well shit ....
This is the problem, for many geniuses through out the ages who comprehended the fallen state of women and the saturn moon matrix, we have been alone in our fight against the lunaroids and the races they have created. Small handful fight the good fight. Of course villains are painted as heroes, and heroes are forgotten.
Watching the three Blade films, we once again see the same plots, scripts and software utilized in all. What is even laughable at this point is the fact he was in the film Demolition Man which also starred Sylvester Stallone; the plot of which was that they are criminals cyrogenically frozen. Anyways that is not what I will be digressing into now.
The Osiris-Attis reference is obvious to those who have a clue. It all comes down to the same stuff over and over. Frosty the snowman at the north pole. It would seem a location is marked.
Now Santa Claus and his red hatted Attis followers all reside at the North Pole. Elves or rather ELFS.
Notice 2 of Nokia's logos, one has the 2 moon aspect, white moon and black moon, and the bottom left hand corner with Kal-El's Fortress of Solitude which AGAIN is at the North Pole. My research friend and I have suspected the pole opening to be a place where the moon could enter the inside of our planet. This scenario is not unprecedented and is verified in numerous ways.
Of course Attis takes us to Cybele, and sacred mountain the moon, and leads one to ask some serious questions. It is all Mother Mater/Hekate trinity transmissions. Sally on the Tet.
Analogue (literature), a literary work that shares motifs, characters or events with another, but is not directly derived from it.
No surprise here. But going further. ANA is obvious. Remember from V.
Analogue (literature), a literary work that shares motifs, characters or events with another, but is not directly derived from it.
No surprise here. But going further. ANA is obvious. Remember from V.
An analog signal has a theoretically infinite resolution. In practice an analog signal is subject to electronic noise and distortion introduced by communication channels and signal processing operations, which can progressively degrade the signal-to-noise ratio. In contrast, digital signals have a finite resolution. Converting an analog signal to digital form introduces a constant low-level noise called quantization noise into the signal which determines the noise floor, but once in digital form the signal can in general be processed or transmitted without introducing additional noise or distortion. Therefore as analog signal processing systems become more complex, they may ultimately degrade signal resolution to such an extent that their performance is surpassed by digital systems. This explains the widespread use of digital signals in preference to analog in modern technology. In analog systems, it is difficult to detect when such degradation occurs. However, in digital systems, degradation can not only be detected but corrected as well.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. I never said I know everything. I just know when other lie to me. I want to make a key point here, because in Pacific Rim when all the Jaegars failed, the digital ones, it was the Analog one that was used. The significance of which I will leave up to my brilliant research friend. For now I keep going. Since the signal can be degraded, the terms for which struck me as a clue strikes Holmes.
The primary disadvantage of analog signals is that any system has noise – i.e., random unwanted variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long distances, or electronically processed, the unavoidable noise introduced by each step in the signal path is additive, progressively degrading the signal-to-noise ratio, until in extreme cases the signal can be overwhelmed. This is called generation loss. Noise can show up as 'hiss' and intermodulation distortion in audio signals, or "snow" in video signals. This degradation is impossible to recover, since there is no sure way to distinguish the noise from the signal; amplifying the signal to recover attenuated parts of the signal amplifies the noise (distortion/interference) as well. Since digital signals can be transmitted, stored and processed without introducing noise, even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a comparable digital signal, after enough processing the analog signal to noise ratio will be lower.
So perhaps what the ancients saw had to do more with advanced monitor tech and analog/digital signals from the moon. I'm an idiot like Socrates, I do not know anything. Bringing us back to Blade.
DEACON FROST is guy from John Dies At The End
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. I never said I know everything. I just know when other lie to me. I want to make a key point here, because in Pacific Rim when all the Jaegars failed, the digital ones, it was the Analog one that was used. The significance of which I will leave up to my brilliant research friend. For now I keep going. Since the signal can be degraded, the terms for which struck me as a clue strikes Holmes.
The primary disadvantage of analog signals is that any system has noise – i.e., random unwanted variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long distances, or electronically processed, the unavoidable noise introduced by each step in the signal path is additive, progressively degrading the signal-to-noise ratio, until in extreme cases the signal can be overwhelmed. This is called generation loss. Noise can show up as 'hiss' and intermodulation distortion in audio signals, or "snow" in video signals. This degradation is impossible to recover, since there is no sure way to distinguish the noise from the signal; amplifying the signal to recover attenuated parts of the signal amplifies the noise (distortion/interference) as well. Since digital signals can be transmitted, stored and processed without introducing noise, even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a comparable digital signal, after enough processing the analog signal to noise ratio will be lower.
So perhaps what the ancients saw had to do more with advanced monitor tech and analog/digital signals from the moon. I'm an idiot like Socrates, I do not know anything. Bringing us back to Blade.
DEACON FROST is guy from John Dies At The End
( I mean there is a clear similarity between the two, at this point I really pay attention)
Apart from being a twin (in my honest opinion) of w/e in John Dies At The End, he is also Frieza from DBZ. This of course is obvious when seeing the symbolism and the clear "Ice" references in both names. And I mean, how many more arms will I see cut off before this is all over. I think I finally understand what it represents.
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Oh the twinning doesn't stop there. |
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So not only is the fractal obvious, we have another very telling "twin" |
Antonia Chillingsworth is the primary antagonist of the animated film The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury. She is a bounty hunter who collects prominent criminals and puts them in a form of cryo-stasis "so profound that to blink an eye is a day's time", then displays them as works of art in her quarters. The criminals cannot move more than an eyeblink, but it is implied they are fully conscious and aware of their surroundings. Aboard her ship, the Kublai Khan, were several alien species and a small army of mercs; most of whom were kept in stasis until needed.To the right is Deacon Frost's girlfriend in Blade.
Blade just goes along with the same script, that we are food. Cattle. You have a race of beings who seek to revive themselves at the expense of humanity. The common script theme in all these films.
It turns out that Blade's mother is Medusa at the end of the film. Not just that but a Black Medusa, something Chris Hohn introduced and what I have confirmed.
This black medusa is now being role played by rihanna. The december 2013 issue. I feel it is important to be ahead of the competition, that way they fall into the trap of proving me right and breaking their own spells. Not just one medusa but many.
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Oh look Isis-Maat. Are they reading my blog I wonder? Same way Farrakhan was eyeing Chris Hohn's blog? Or am I reading their "blog". |
On top of this we have the obvious Boris fractal from Men in Black 3
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As we reach the Omega point it just gets utterly ridiculous. |
Now would you know Riddick with long hair LOOKS LIKE ZEUS aka WHISTLER the Zeus twin from Blade. Just so happens in that scene from Chronicles of Riddick he was escaping a prison planet. Keep telling you these films are all the same, usually with some different intel about the upcoming space war Ragnarok.
Zeus and Kratos from God of War fit this fractal theme as well. as we will decode a little more of these games near the end of the article. I get to the point where words become pointless, the obvious themes and symbols have been decoded. Whatever lunar agents say just confirms their lunar babble. Never a straight answer from them really.
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Since Gi Joe Retaliation involved a jailbreak .... 10 years since The Next Three Days, guess Zeus had some time off since then. |
Now we have Enzo Matrix from Reboot, which I can't go into much detail, but we had showed previously Hexidecimal being a Prudence/Liberty fractal. Keeping in mind Liam Neeson is also Zeus.
It is a multi layered/leveled jail. The head is one aspect of it, and then there is the moon which you must also contend with. but for now we are dealing with being frozen inside the head (prison)
As we mentioned briefly, in Dollhouse Adrenaline is used to keep the brain in a frenzied fear state to allow them to abuse your brain processing speed
I'll lay it for you flat.
Jesus is the Grim Reaper.
The Harvester of Souls.
When a spirit tries to brake free it will eventually hit a "wall" (PS I read that people when doing an astral projection and attempting to go beyond jupiter or saturn they hit a force field 2 things can happen then. Either they are forced to go back to their body end thus ending their astral projection or are still aware but can not go any further, unless they are with an benign powerful being.)
Anyway when they hit the "wall" they get an electronic SHOCK treatment this forces the spirit to be paralyzed unable to think and blinded by the light. Hence the spirit either is Reincarcerated AGAIN! Or is kept in a stasis or sent to a "heaven" or "hell" place where the spirit is tortured or brainwashed. Brainwashed for its preparation to incarcerate.
Another researcher has the exact same view about he poison of these Kaballistic/lunar/black magician/alien scumbags, he calls it CANCER and CANCER CONSCIOUS YES he names it exactly the same if we don't do anything this cancer conscience takes over you or the world. Oh and he will tell you why there is "reincarnation" its a prison for your mind and soul and he will tell you about the other side (hell and heaven). And they wants us to feel responsible for the things THEY HAVE DONE TO US AND THROUGH US
They wants us to feel responsible for the things THEY HAVE DONE TO US AND THROUGH US So all this war, hatred, sufferings, raping is the fault of humans...what a BS we need to know our enemy and their means of controlling us through MIND CONTROL (NLP) etc
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Feels like I'm going in circles here. |
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Eyes and windows. This all leads to higher dimensions and our perceivable sight. |
Our souls apart from being batteries for our enemies, are also food. We are being consumed, body and soul. Time to face the truth. Time for the meal to bite back. In the dialogue of these films it is evident that our souls and what we are is hated by those who do not have them. Those with no talent, those we are nothing compared to us. In Cold Souls, truth is given with slight deception.
The forces that shape our souls would be the soul hunters and the containers they force us into after our memory is erased. The body is a cast, an egg. In one of the scenes this is confirmed. We also have the redhead medusa right there robbing your soul.
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Evil smile |
Relating to the theme of soul extraction is memory erasure as I have gone into in previous parts.
Above is the actress Krista Allen who upon being a medusa fractal also appears in the Smallville episode Heat where she has the power of a seductive kiss. Kaboom The Moon has gone into extreme detail behind this medusa kiss which I won't be going into now.
Below we have the character Rita Duune. Remember the name Rita for later. It'll make perfect sense.
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In the case of these articles, yes. |
Of course the film also stars Paul Giamatti as the one who erases memories.
Truth is with a cloned body , they can make any soul live forever. They just inject the 'chemical acidic soul' in the pea sized brain poach, into the new body's brain poach. The produces the same electromagnetic charge that runs the old body. Thus your soul. Each human has different acidic compounds frequencies that make them individuals. The pea sized poach acts like a planet. It produces and magnetic globe of energy that runs the entire body until the day you die.
The pea sized holder of the acidic s when interacting with gravity causes the acids to spin. The frequency of the electromagnetic pulse holds life memories, but it is stored in the brain harddrive , by the folds of the brain. Once introduced into the new brain the energy will cause the brain to make folds until all old life memories are regained. Also new life memory folds are also produced. When a baby is born their brain has hardly in folds, other then inherited, and natural activity data.
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The harvest IS you. |
Oh but god knows this and allows you to be eaten ..fed to korrok so GOD may be greater ....
Now Blade II has our old friend Ron Perlman once again seeing as Del Toro also directed this film.
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So Ron Perlman is Mr Freeze a.k.a Riddick etc These are all draco stage shows, see beyond the twin characters. |
You have these syncronistic themes also popping up once again. The ascendency of a race over the humans. Just like Hellboy II. Same with Blade II.
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Cloning chambers, just like Oblivion, Lockout, etc. |
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Never forget who you are. Yes indeed, but also never forget who your enemy is! |
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Sure is Mantis Mako |
Mako Mori is Medusa the Mantis. The mantis symbolism is gone unnoticed by researchers, except for my friend who has caught so much. The Enterprise from Star Trek is the mantis ship, the moon, which feeds on all life on this planet.
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Pyramid TET head |
In Cypher they show you exactly who Mako Mori really is. In the scene below, it happened so fast that in the next scene her glasses had changed. Subliminal clues, they are there, you just need to pay attention.
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Meet Rita |
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Well look what we have here. Our old friend LETHE, to help along with the rebirthing process. |
No....I got enough answers myself without the lethe shot ......
Our souls have been assaulted on multiple fronts for who knows how long. All we can do is keep fighting and to not fall for the same traps that got us the last time. Yes, how many times have we done this. How many times has the clock been reset, our memories erased. How many body suits have we went through .... and who is to tell us the truth .... lunar agents ?
RITA .... Rita in red and her name is rita .... I did alot of digging and came back around to the Gond peoples once more.
Yea you are food .... holes in the ground ...
CONsent . And this involved the whole Birth certificate scam, selling people for ritual sacrifice.
And the way they describe is like how lunar agents tell you, they make you feel like a king, we are here to serve you my king. Yea SERVE , cuz you are the food. Giving you a halo crown to enslave your soul.